Saturday, October 16, 2010

oh sorry, cant talk.... I have to run and put that on a t shirt.

ever encounter random words that just stop you in your tracks?

picture this....

a sales professional is in an appointment with a couple discussing some business at their home.
things are moving along quite nicely.  out of the blue,  with no warning,  the husband bellows out......

"Karen,  do you know where my Mensa Pin is?"  
(Mensa being the exclusive club where the qualification for membership is a high IQ ...  visit to join today!)

Now why when sitting at a kitchen table discussing things that are the furthest from anything to do with someone's IQ would someone feel the need to yell out for someone to grab their Mensa Proof? At that very moment?

this is definitely t-shirt worthy....  keep your eyes out for the "where is my Mensa Pin?"  t-shirt soon.

1 comment:

  1. Laugh out loud, can't talk too busy laughing. I'm now using this at every opportunity until I've killed it.
