Friday, December 31, 2010

We are breaking up, and NO we will not be getting back together, I have met someone else. His name? Mr. O. Eleven

Twenty Ten,  it has been a great love affair but it is probably best that we go our separate ways,  the spark is gone and the honeymoon is over  now.

Please do not be upset.....last January 01 when we met it was magical :) You strolled in, wearing that tailored suit, new Prada shoes, fresh haircut, sparkling eyes, and gleaming white smile.  Not only the room but the entire planet stopped,  waiting to see what your next move would be. Whispering sweet promises in our ears with your sexy accent, we all hung on your every word.

Early on,  although we were memorized with the hope of a new year with new opportunities,  but the Haiti earthquake was an upsetting blow to the system.   This, just like any tragedy, was so surprising and completely blindsided everyone. The utter helplessness of the country was so difficult to accept. Many of us could do nothing but donate some money and watch the planet band together with media,  manpower, medical aid, and political involvement.

Thanks for the magical moments of the Van City Olympics, although the event was marred with a very sad tragedy early on,  overall watching it unfold was simply magical,  I was more proud than ever to be Canadian!
Two letters for you,   KD    (click the link below,  not a virus,  I PROMISE)

You brought us the ipad and the new iphone. Many of us stood in line,  and got into fistfights with fellow apple enthusiasts, once the smoke cleared it was obvious that something special had arrived.

Dancing with the stars. Bristol Palin. Her performances left me speechless,  how can we ever thank you enough.

I just have to say,  in terms of the fashion sense of the last year,  overall it has been great.  I will however mention that I have never encountered so many pairs of pants in which my calves are too large to fit into them.  The slim fitting pant can be hot,  but when the pants are awkwardly riding up your large calves....not hot.

Twenty Ten....  why oh why did you decide to allow some hacker to break into millions of email accounts and take over with more than just annoying spam?  why?  My own mother thought I had a side business selling Viagra!  And the hard worker I am, it appears that I am sending emails at all hours of the day!   I mean...does this sound like me?

this article really surprised me life is so much better now that i began this program this is amazing check it out with the money that im making im now able to open up a bank account   

FYI---I have always HAD A BANK ACCOUNT!!!  And if finally a bank allowed me to open a bank account after years of turning me down,  I wouldn't set my alarm,  wake up early and email everyone including myself about it!!!!!!!!  COME ON!!!!!!!

The office was more alive, entertaining, and rambunctious than ever this year,  some people are saying that real estate is dead.....I would beg to differ.
couple of office highlights...
Devon Girl. Taking photos of the cats and eating the homeowners food while you looked at their house meant you were fired as my client. This was both necessary and liberating.
Huggy Realtor turning not so Huggy anymore. The agent from another brokerage that insisted on embracing me all the time. I didn't even know her. At least buy me dinner first.
Our fearless leader's ipad contest.  I am still trying to win that one....
Doomsday Denis becoming an optimist. History has told us that this guy truly knows where the market is headed.  Seriously take note.
Mac zones,  more and more offices were affixed with the apple logo onto their door.
Installation of the "stop sign" on the office door that no one really followed anyways. Open door policy is how I like it :)

Catch Phrases and words that I am ready to see end with twenty ten

(in no particular order of annoyance)

using the word "Epic"  for EVERYTHING.  time and place for this word and now the effect has been ruined. let's stop using this term and definitely stop others around us as well.

using the term  "it is what it is"  ....  I will admit, that I am very guilty of using this when I have nothing to say and a weird silence is in the air. I am tired of it and I think everyone else is as well.

people going on and on about their Beiber fever. I have yet to hear a Beiber song,  sometimes I get into things 2 years after they are popular. perhaps in twenty twelve you will see me in my sister's Beiber shirt.

using the status update on Facebook that says,  "living the dream"  Really?  you are really living the dream?  because personally if I was really living the dream I would be far to busy with other things to be updating numerous times a day....."still living the dream"  (OMG,  RIGHT NOW,as I sit at starbucks and type this, some DB just walks by me with his DB friend and says..."livin the dream buddy,  livin the dream")  

because of the economy.....
people need to stop using the economy as their fat escape goat to their irresponsibility,  pull it together,  we live in a resource rich province and country and money being spent all over the place everyday.  change your outlook,  listen to the experts and not the media, and stop being a debbie downer.

Prince William and Kate Middleton. 
Am I being premature on this one?  Sorry,  I am not going to lie...this is really on my nerves already

We will always look back fondly on many things, 
it is time to move forward,  full steam, with O Eleven.  
I am ready,  are you??