that being said, i will admit, i am a girl that primps, and you are too. i am sure of it. (even if you are a guy)
years ago, an old boyfriend caught me primping in the reflection of a window at night while he was telling me a boring story.....a big fight broke out.
years ago, an old boyfriend caught me primping in the reflection of a window at night while he was telling me a boring story.....a big fight broke out.
sometimes i come across people who should look in the mirror more, but i refrain from saying anything.... aren't you proud of my restraint?!?
this could have started as a teen when i skipped english class and jumped on the city bus over to the mall. see it was raining out and my pants were wet. i purposely sat in the back of the bus because that is what mother told me not to ever do. while i sat in the back with the local delinquents the black felt marker graffiti that was on the bus seat imprinted itself onto my light colored pants due to the wet condition of them.
i strolled around looking cooler than ever, all day long with trashy graffiti on the back of my tan coloured pants (pinched rolled of course with slouch socks and dessert boots...) how could no one say anything to me? see how important it is to have a peek at your backside in the mirror?
every day when i stroll onto the elevator at work i have some time from the main floor to second floor to make sure all is good with my look for the day and i will casually pout into the mirror like i am at a photo shoot. truth be known, some days i notice a new wrinkle on my face, frizzy hair that i should have put more effort into, a little muffin top hanging over my waste band, etc....this is my time. i do not care to share this time with anyone!
well today as i saw a male figure running to the elevator, as i looked down and hoped the door would close he ran on, now i had to share this mirrored heaven with a stranger!!
now i would have to be extra subtle with the mirror time but this is difficult, i certainly would not be able to fully pout in the mirror now!! this elevator is tiny as well and this guy is now in my personal space. the awkward energy was incredible. neither of us were in the mood for small talk and the whole journey to the second floor dragged on and on and on. i exhaled loudly as the door opened and i could run out and join civilization again.
all i have got to say is that tomorrow that better not happen!
and keep your eye out for the "go away so I can check myself out" t shirt..wearing this will save quite a bit of awkward eye contact on your next elevator ride.